==================== 06-21-2017 ==================== * build/ 6a155c6 Disable recovery resource warning [dadi11] * frameworks/base/ 541b4b4 SystemUI: Fix task lock & freeform buttons placement [dadi11] 019d4753 [1/3] Torch long press power: add auto-off function [dadi11] * packages/apps/CMParts/ 4d5c210 [3/3] Torch long press power: add auto-off function [dadi11] ad87004 CMParts: Rename button action list handlers [dadi11] * system/core/ 2b1e974 init: Run restorecon_recursive asynchronously [dadi11] * vendor/cmsdk/ be15cd4 [2/3] Torch long press power: add auto-off function [dadi11] * vendor/xenonhd/ 69cab0a sensitive_pn: Add additional GB numbers [dadi11] 6f6db30 sensitive_pn: Add additional PT numbers [dadi11] ==================== 06-20-2017 ==================== * hardware/qcom/display/ f3072db hwcomposer: Fix regression in hwc_sync [Michael Bestas] * hardware/qcom/display-caf/apq8084/ 38e457c hwcomposer: Fix regression in hwc_sync [Michael Bestas] * hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8916/ 6700612 hwcomposer: Fix regression in hwc_sync [Michael Bestas] * hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8974/ 24176c9 hwcomposer: Fix regression in hwc_sync [Michael Bestas] * hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8994/ 023758b hwcomposer: Fix regression in hwc_sync [Michael Bestas] * packages/apps/OmniClock/ af42994 Automatic translation import [maxwen] * packages/apps/Settings/ 872a1b8 Settings: handle decrypting larger pattern sizes for sw600dp [dadi11] * vendor/xenonhd/ 754802c vendorsetup: add a6000 [GitHub] ==================== 06-19-2017 ==================== * hardware/qcom/bt-caf/ 6473ddb Merge tag 'LA.UM.5.5.r1-04900-8x96.0' into HEAD [Luca Stefani] * system/core/ c1771ef healthd: fix include paths [dadi11] * vendor/xenonhd/ 0a5af7c sensitive_pn: add missing phone number for Brazil [dadi11] ==================== 06-18-2017 ==================== * device/qcom/common/ 5985a61 power: Use the correct opcode for STOR_CLK_SCALE_DIS [Luca Stefani] * system/core/ e3c5241 Revert "Make /charger symlink flag simpler" [dadi11] * vendor/xenonhd/ 4db630e Add Grand Prime To Official Lunch Menu. [Hassan Sardar] ==================== 06-17-2017 ==================== * build/ cbe6a37 Revert "Preventing default locale from being overridden because of buildinfo.sh" [dadi11] 88ed604 Revert "build: skip 'ro.product.device' using new macro "TARGET_SKIP_PRODUCT_DEVICE"" [dadi11] * frameworks/base/ 3763efb Adopt lockscreen shortcut hint from AOSP [dadi11] * hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8996/ 074ff06 Merge tag 'LA.UM.5.5.r1-04900-8x96.0' into HEAD [Luca Stefani] * hardware/ril/ 5758b0e ril: fix a memory leak. [Michael Bestas] * hardware/ril-caf/ 588e49d ril: fix a memory leak. [Michael Bestas] * packages/apps/Settings/ ecee057 Revert "Settings: Fix internal storage summary for non-emulated storage" [dadi11] b2d9549 Settings: Fix automatic hotspot turn off summary [dadi11] * packages/apps/WallpaperPicker/ 5b27292 Fix bad wallpaper preview image format [Michael Bestas] ==================== 06-16-2017 ==================== * packages/apps/CarrierConfig/ 1249ef5 Remove TIM from non-roaming networks list of H3G IT [Gabriele M] * packages/apps/Settings/ 38fd40d Reset battery stats [2/2] [dadi11] a25b8cd Add ability to configure battery saver mode color (2/2) [dadi11] * packages/apps/Snap/ 429e096 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Snap into HEAD [dadi11] ==================== 06-15-2017 ==================== * frameworks/base/ a2b89ee Reset battery stats [1/2] [dadi11] 94ec528 Add ability to configure battery saver mode color (1/2) [dadi11] 4cea433 CaptivePortalLoginActivity correctly gets UserAgent [dadi11] 900fcf3 Prettify the captive portal sign-in activity [dadi11] 5d73b25 Fix TaskRecord wrong dump element firstActiveTime [dadi11] aa56fff base: notifications: DEFAULT_LIGHTS and FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS must count as noisy [dadi11] eb00ab3 SymbolComparator operator() is missing const [dadi11] 497960d Fix an apk icon animation corruption issue [dadi11] 5104e4a CaptivePortal: login activity UI improvements [dadi11] 8e682d1 Frameworks AppOps: Enable MODE_IGNORED for OP_WAKE_LOCK [dadi11] 87022aa Fix memory leak in WifP2pManager [dadi11] 6e1ee5e Schedule agentDisconnected() in handler thread [dadi11] 9ffca3e base: update updateUsbStateBroadcastIfNeeded types [dadi11] 8eec43a Check and send usb state broadcast when devices boots [dadi11] cf65f9b Only send usb disconnect intents after boot. [dadi11] 5fdfbe7 fix KeyEvent can't correctly finish when inputmethod time out happened [dadi11] f2bcef4 hwui: skip draw empty frame [dadi11] dbb4c20 sensors: fix native crash when dynamic sensor is removed [dadi11] 8fd8f79 sensors: intern jstrings for memory savings [dadi11] 97cdff3 Deadlock in PackageInstallerSession [dadi11] * packages/apps/XenonApps/ 5b254e7 MiXplorer v6.15.4.BETA [axxx007xxxz]