==================== 05-29-2017 ==================== * frameworks/base/ ea38e90 SystemUI: Misc fixes for right (custom) lockscreen shortcuts [dadi11] * packages/apps/CMParts/ 31a8f91 CMParts: remove extra padding from app light preference [dadi11] * packages/apps/ContactsCommon/ a3c8574 Export only selected contact, not all contacts [dadi11] 12dd1ec Add support to export multi contacts to Vcard [dadi11] * packages/apps/Settings/ 97b5df7 Squash commit of SAR and IC Code. [dadi11] * packages/services/Telephony/ c88d190 Fix minor inconsistency in the CDMA call settings [dadi11] * vendor/xenonhd/ 1aba43d (2/2) Make sensitive phone numbers not to be shown in call log history. [dadi11] d20ee0f overlay: Enable Wi-Fi by default on first boot [dadi11] ==================== 05-28-2017 ==================== ==================== 05-27-2017 ==================== * packages/apps/Jelly/ 576d1b9 Jelly: Make download_message not specific to sdcard [Adrian DC] 8f1365c Jelly: Handle screenLayout changes [Luca Stefani] ==================== 05-26-2017 ==================== * packages/apps/Settings/ c3ca525 Fix crash when calling remove() with a null variable [dadi11] * vendor/xenonhd/ dc7a72e Show full alarm info [dadi11] ==================== 05-25-2017 ==================== * packages/apps/Jelly/ c9f336c Jelly: Pause WebView along with the activity [Gabriele M] * packages/services/Telephony/ a32168a telephony: Fix and move CAF strings [dadi11] ==================== 05-24-2017 ==================== * packages/apps/Email/ c0e5d54 Search in folder specified via URI parameter, if possible. [Danny Baumann] * packages/apps/Jelly/ c23c013 Jelly: Don't claim to be a simple WebView [Luca Stefani] c218521 Jelly: Define base class for Activities containing WebViewExt [Luca Stefani] 1607c0d Jelly: Make it easier to initiate gestures [Luca Stefani] 978e74e Jelly: Don't leak fileoutputstream if bm is null [Luca Stefani] * packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/ 5462df5 Pass selected folder to message search. [Danny Baumann] ==================== 05-23-2017 ====================