==================== 2018-06-16 ==================== * device/htc/m8-common 11d07e1 m8-common: Define vendor security patch level [Nolen Johnson] * device/htc/msm8974-common 9b33296 msm8974-common: Inform Trust about legacy encryption support [Bruno Martins] a3ede9a msm8974-common: Remove obsolete legacy HAL1 props [Bruno Martins] * frameworks/base 3293157 SystemUI: Fix status bar bluetooth <50% drawable [LuK1337] ==================== 2018-06-15 ==================== * external/chromium-webview acfecb2 Update x86/x86_64 webviews Chromium 67.0.3396.87 [Luca Stefani] * hardware/lineage/interfaces 21c71ae livedisplay: Move Color::check function to implementation [Ethan Chen] cfd7b99 livedisplay: Don't use a singleton for Color service [Ethan Chen] d6be15d livedisplay: Fix bogus print [Ethan Chen] * packages/apps/SetupWizard 10f24ad SetupWizard: Pass proper value to wifi back text [Luca Stefani] ==================== 2018-06-14 ==================== * frameworks/base 233798b SystemUI: Toggle USB tethering only when USB is connected [Gabriele M] * hardware/lineage/interfaces 8127346 Revert "livedisplay: Don't use singletons for the stack" [dianlujitao] * manifest 393af5e lineage: Sync qcom thermal and vr HALs [Michael Bestas] * vendor/xenonhd 8d8359e lineage: qcom: Set thermal & vr HAL pathmaps [Michael Bestas] ==================== 2018-06-13 ==================== * bionic 60687e7 linker: Make shim reference path absolute [Nich] 48dc85a linker: Remove unused find_libraries declaration [Nich] 1a22f3a linker: Provide soinfo path of the shimmed binary [Nich] c603763 Revert "linker: allow the linker to shim executables" [LuK1337] * frameworks/base 51bdec8 Add an option to force pre-O apps to use full screen aspect ratio [Jesse Chan] * lineage-sdk 8ea775a sdk: Add an option to force pre-O apps to use full screen aspect ratio [Jesse Chan] * manifest 12e05ff Switch to our system/security fork [Gabriele M] * packages/apps/LineageParts beecaf2 LineageParts: Add an option to force pre-O apps to use full screen aspect ratio [LuK1337] 14933b5 Exclude trust onboarding from recents [Luca Stefani] * packages/apps/Settings df82653 Settings: Add an option to force pre-O apps to use full screen aspect ratio [Jesse Chan] ==================== 2018-06-12 ==================== * bootable/recovery afc6454 recovery: Do not load time from /persist [Tom Marshall] 6ac3bb4 recovery: New install/progress animation [Tom Marshall] * lineage-sdk 7d1c01e Berry: Nuke red and lava, add demon red color accent by @Demon000 2/3 [mosimchah] e289f0b Berry: Add turquoise color accent 2/3 [Demon Singur] bb33ea8 Berry: Add gold, and lava color accents 2/3 [mosimchah] a37c0fd Berry: Add denim color accent 2/3 [Shubh@m] * packages/overlays/Lineage 312a5b7 Berry: Nuke red and lava, add demon red color accent by @Demon000 1/3 [mosimchah] * vendor/xenonhd 3dc523a repopick: Update SSH queries result to match HTTP queries [Gabriele M] ef146a5 Berry: Nuke red and lava, add demon red color accent by @Demon000 3/3 [mosimchah] ab4c40f Berry: Add turquoise color accent 3/3 [Demon Singur] a6f2760 Berry: add denim color accent 3/3 [Shubh@m] b15a92a Berry: Add gold, and lava color accents 3/3 [mosimchah] ==================== 2018-06-11 ==================== * build/make 025ea8a Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r30' into lineage-15.1 [Sam Mortimer] * frameworks/av ae93932 Merge branch 'lineage-15.1' of https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_av into HEAD [dadi11] 5e433d7 Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r30' into lineage-15.1 [Sam Mortimer] * frameworks/base a73a93a Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r30' into lineage-15.1 [Sam Mortimer] 53eb024 base: introduce trust interface [Joey] f0008f3 PhoneWindowManager: Improve home button wake haptic feedback handling [LuK1337] * frameworks/opt/telephony ccbfdae Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r30' into lineage-15.1 [Sam Mortimer] * hardware/interfaces 8416040 Merge branch 'lineage-15.1' of https://github.com/LineageOS/android_hardware_interfaces into HEAD [dadi11] 8184564 Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r30' into lineage-15.1 [Sam Mortimer] * kernel/htc/msm8974 d64efc5 USB: android: Increment disable_depth on usb_add_config() failure [Azhar Shaikh] 0b0a962 USB: android: Enable streaming only during composition enable [Sujeet Kumar] 0c1adb9 USB: android: override bcdDevice only if userspace passes it [Pavankumar Kondeti] f57014f USB: android: Dont call functionfs_bind during android enable [Sujeet Kumar] c715a3d usb: gadget: android: Save/restore ep0 completion function [Jack Pham] 8c9c8e5 USB: android: Fix crash when F_FS gets descriptors before it is enabled [Manu Gautam] 4fb2f37 ANDROID: usb: gadget: f_accessory: Enabled Zero Length Packet (ZLP) for acc_write [Anson Jacob] 40fdc6a usb: gadget: check for accessory device before disconnecting HIDs [Amit Pundir] 4be77ff fix false disconnect due to a signal sent to the reading process [keunyoung] 5f66e9d usb: gadget: f_accessory: Make RX buffer size aligned to EP's MTU [Vijayavardhan Vennapusa] * lineage-sdk bfcfc36 TrustInterface: Remove useless check [Luca Stefani] d003423 TrustInterface: Fix default root access value [Luca Stefani] de9b565 Fix config.xml indentation [Luca Stefani] 6a8df5a sdk: Introduce Trust Interface [Joey] * manifest de5c343 manifest: android-8.1.0_r26 -> android-8.1.0_r30 [Sam Mortimer] d87aef8 manifest: Track own external/libvorbis [MSe] * packages/apps/LineageParts 62dd5f5 LineageParts: fix Trust onBoarding completion when clicking [Luca Stefani] 3ccd99e parts: add SMS rate limit setting [Roman Birg] 4157be4 LineageParts: introduce Trust interface [Joey] * packages/apps/Settings 20b1f35 Settings: show Trust brading in confirm_lock_password UI [Joey] 29007e4 Settings: add Trust interface hook [Joey] * packages/overlays/Lineage a545172 Berry: Add turquoise color accent 1/3 [Demon Singur] * packages/providers/MediaProvider 6fde9ca Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r30' into lineage-15.1 [Sam Mortimer] * packages/providers/UserDictionaryProvider d35f80e Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r30' into lineage-15.1 [Sam Mortimer] * system/bt 2e5099c Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r30' into lineage-15.1 [Sam Mortimer] * vendor/xenonhd daa815a vendor: introduce Trust interface [Joey] ==================== 2018-06-10 ==================== * hardware/lineage/interfaces 18f4e8d livedisplay: Don't use singletons for the stack [Ethan Chen] f66d76e livedisplay: Correct macro copypasta [Ethan Chen] * hardware/qcom/power a67c703 power: Remove unused list utils [Michael Bestas] 0a53ddc power: Remove interaction_with_handle [Michael Bestas] f9d6801 power: Remove unused ondemand related functions [Michael Bestas] 7fc57d1 power: Remove support for msm-dcvs governor [Michael Bestas] * packages/apps/DeskClock 3d59c12 Adding Notification Channel [Mahesh Kumar]