==================== 01-16-2018 ==================== * build/ b685eb0e4 Bump security patch level to 2018-01-05 [Moritz Horstmann] * frameworks/base/ ec31164a124 DO NOT MERGE Backporting potential usb tapjacking precaution. [Beverly] * packages/apps/CMParts/ 825141f Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/apps/Contacts/ ab076df7b Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/apps/ContactsCommon/ 9c65b4b6 Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/apps/Dialer/ 606099d60 Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/apps/ExactCalculator/ 10f17dc Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/apps/PackageInstaller/ 2c4a6f85 Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/apps/PhoneCommon/ 49c7753 Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/apps/Settings/ 1b69589d29 DevelopmentSettings: Fix possible NPE [Michael W] e47010f5ac DevelopmentSettings: Hide OEM unlock by default [Bruno Martins] c8f4975657 Automatic translation import [Michael W] 5c6d305410 Settings: Hide physical keyboard settings when no phys. keyboard exists [Michael W] 1918336ef3 Settings: Remove dead code [Michael W] 333a9d9b43 New XenonHD translations [dadi11] * packages/apps/Snap/ c8b87c5c3 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Snap into HEAD [dadi11] * packages/apps/XenonOTA/ 67bf2c6 New XenonHD translations [dadi11] * packages/services/Telephony/ 6f0c7fcd Automatic translation import [Michael W] * platform_manifest/ 4424617 manifest: Track our frameworks/ex fork [Sean McCreary] * system/core/ fb75584cf libnetutil: Check dhcp respose packet length [tintin] * vendor/xenonhd/ f8ec15e2 ATV: Default double tap on home to the recents menu [Aaron Kling] ==================== 01-15-2018 ==================== ==================== 01-14-2018 ==================== * external/aac/ d807ebc Fix out of bound memory access in lppTransposer [Jean-Michel Trivi] * external/libavc/ 09900a4 Decoder: Handle dec_hdl memory allocation failure gracefully [Harish Mahendrakar] * external/libhevc/ 2a44132 Add PUSH-POP of D registers in Arm Neon 32 bit functions [Rakesh Kumar] * external/libmpeg2/ d00e1f4 Adding Error Check for f_code Parameters [Venkatarama Avadhani] * external/libvpx/ 7aacdba DO NOT MERGE | libvpx: Fix OOB caused by odd frame width. [Jerome Jiang] * frameworks/av/ cb33b28 Fix the UAF bug caused by a dead stack variable [Pawin Vongmasa] * frameworks/ex/ 61e42c3 Skip composition of frames lacking a color map [Chris Craik] * system/media/ 5269953 Camera metadata: Check source metadata size [Emilian Peev] ==================== 01-13-2018 ==================== * hardware/qcom/fm/ 11c0881 Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/apps/Bluetooth/ 9031ecb Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/apps/Calendar/ 7b0e72c Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/apps/Camera2/ 510f8d5 Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/ c490f0a Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/apps/Eleven/ f02a09b Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/apps/Email/ ad797a0 Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/apps/EmergencyInfo/ 6315e2a Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/apps/Gallery2/ fa60f2f Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/apps/HTMLViewer/ 5fa849f Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/apps/Jelly/ 1bca7e8 Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/apps/KeyChain/ 6eb827d Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/apps/ManagedProvisioning/ 856860f Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/apps/Messaging/ 98cbe8e Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/apps/Nfc/ c21160c Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/apps/Recorder/ 00854bf Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/apps/SafetyRegulatoryInfo/ 137ed3d Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/apps/Snap/ b9f3a7517 Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/apps/Stk/ 53b1bdb Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/ 48b95b4 Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/apps/WallpaperPicker/ d958d07 Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/ b4ef1f3 Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/providers/ContactsProvider/ 56c9b19 Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/providers/DownloadProvider/ 82b1346 Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/providers/MediaProvider/ eb69d25 Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/screensavers/Basic/ fc3ce69 Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/screensavers/PhotoTable/ 27283e1 Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/services/Telecomm/ 215150b Automatic translation import [Michael W] * packages/wallpapers/LivePicker/ c705d95 Automatic translation import [Michael W] ==================== 01-12-2018 ==================== ==================== 01-11-2018 ==================== ==================== 01-10-2018 ====================