==================== 2019-01-21 ==================== * device/xiaomi/land 10960df land: Use common data-ipa-cfg-mgr [Ritesh Saxena] c74b78e land: Use common vndk-sp [Ritesh Saxena] cc4735e land: Enable proximity check [Ritesh Saxena] 88d6324 land: Add hostapd configs [Ritesh Saxena] 0547b6a Audio: Disable Custom Audio Policy [Devil7DK] 68cfdf9 XenonHD Bringup [Devil7DK] * packages/apps/LineageParts b36d5c2 LineageParts: temporary disable network traffic [dadi11] * packages/apps/XenonOTA 0a10096 XenonOTA: Add Credits List XML [Devil7DK] 824ca1a XenonOTA: Implement Credits Dialog [Devil7DK] cb835f8 XenonOTA: Utils - Add RoundedImageView [Devil7DK] e55f2df XenonOTA: Utils - Add ImageLoader (With File & Memory Cache) [Devil7DK] 24377f5 XenonOTA: OTAUtils - Add CopyStream Function [Devil7DK] b248d0e XenonOTA: Utils - Create "launchURL" Function [Devil7DK] ==================== 2019-01-20 ==================== * device/qcom/sepolicy-legacy 002b3b4 common: grant DRM HIDL HAL ownership access to /data/{misc,vendor}/media/ [Demon Singur] * kernel/xiaomi/msm8937 27812a0 defconfig: Enable Wake Gestures [Devil7DK] 663b139 Squash: wake_gestures: add sweep2wake, doubletap2wake and sweep2sleep [flar2] * lineage-sdk 58f4543 lineage-sdk: Remove useless logic on database upgrading [Han Wang] * manifest 8df09fd Track recovery dependencies [Michael Bestas] * packages/apps/Settings 485953e fingerprint: Remove unnecessary spacing in enroll layout [LuK1337] 347c857 fingerprint: Allow devices to configure sensor location [d34d] * system/sepolicy f7125e1 Allow fsck_untrusted to getattr block_device [sb6596] ==================== 2019-01-19 ==================== * build/make ca85824 Add missing languages [Michael W] 4add11c build: only write build_number.txt when BUILD_NUMBER has changed [Jan Altensen] * device/xiaomi/land 10dfbc2 [DNM] land: Permissive [Ritesh Saxena] 0a548b1 land: Sync vndk-sp with caf [Ritesh Saxena] 2ab0a3a land: Update graphic and post processing from daisy [Ritesh Saxena] f481343 land: Disable adaptive lmk [Ritesh Saxena] d2634d3 land: Disable IOemHook in RILD [SayanAcharya] 93fdac9 land: Reduce lcd density [Ritesh Saxena] 7d1dd79 land: Add QCOM's WFD implementation [Artem Borisov] * frameworks/base a8ede38 StatusBarSignalPolicy: Fix missing provisioned in equals and copyTo [Nico] * frameworks/native 15a8e0e APP may display abnormally in landscape LCM [Iris Chang] * hardware/qcom/display 329d459 Make memtrack build with the VNDK. [Steven Moreland] 08b1876 Add missing includes. [Dan Albert] a2eefae libmemtrack: Add open method for msm8974.memtrack [Ruchi Kandoi] * hardware/qcom/fm af17486 libfm_jni: Fix typo in ctl.stop [Michael Bestas] 131be18 libfm_jni: Rename the QC introduced props to have vendor tag added [himta ram] * lineage-sdk c8e57a0 sdk: Split TWILIGHT_ADJUSTMENT_TIME in half [Paul Keith] 4c3550d sdk: Stop using lerp for night/day mode transitions [Paul Keith] 0d887c6 Revert "[3/3] cmsdk: add burnIn protection setting" [Wang Han] * packages/apps/Snap 180423c Snap: Yet Another String Improvement [Michael Bestas] * system/sepolicy b63e1ae Add missing pm.* properties in property_contexts [Shibin George] 869ab2f sepolicy: create rules for system properties [Aalique Grahame] 5d6b223 Allow dnsmasq to getattr netd unix_stream_socket [Kevin F. Haggerty] 6ee039e Use LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_M4DEFS for file_contexts [Mustafa Yigit Bilgen] * vendor/xiaomi 870b866 land: Add missing wfd libs [Ritesh Saxena] ==================== 2019-01-18 ==================== * development 8e09e63 make-key: Enforce PBEv1 password-protected signing keys [Vasyl Gello] * device/qcom/sepolicy-legacy 8788d5a sepolicy: Add permissions for LCD brightness control [Bharath Gopal] * device/xiaomi/land 438d4f0 land: Remove power-off alarm stuff from init extension [dianlujitao] ebf96ad land: Version upgrade for soundtrigger HAL to 2.1 [Ramjee Singh] 88a449f land: ST HAL upgrade for P compatibility [Ramjee Singh] 36a8819 land: Move Audio HAL from 2.0 to 4.0 [Lakshman Chaluvaraju] 760fa87 land: HAL compatibility for P upgrade [Lakshman Chaluvaraju] b7d4258 land: configs: Support 2 instances of "primary input" [Samyak Jain] 2d9841a land: Reflect GPS stack update in the manifest [Bruno Martins] 22ee012 land: Update GPS configs to P [Ritesh Saxena] 9a13204 land: Update GPS HAL to P [Bruno Martins] c0a192b land: Add manifest entry for alarm [Ritesh Saxena] 91e82b7 land: Manifest change for Country Code FR [Eric Chang] df87d3a land: Build ClearKey HIDL plugin [Bruno Martins] af074c0 land: manifest.xml: Updating cne entries [Devi Sandeep Endluri V V] dd21053 land: Rename Widevine HIDL service to v1.1. [Edwin Wong] 4436ab0 land: New HAL for passing RCS configuration to modem [Brandon solis] 4946790 land: New HAL for passing SIP call info headers to clients [Brandon] 46df2cd land: Update prefix of hwcomposer service [Ramakant Singh] 1258909 land: Enable Latency HAL [Pavan Kumar M] 3c7b13b land: Enable 64 bit DRM plugins compilation [Udaya Bhaskara Reddy Mallavarapu] bbbb36a land: Use build system to create mount point symlinks [Bruno Martins] 62eca4a land: ueventd: Don't modify permissions of /dev/hw_random [Wang Han] 66f387b land: Change the MBN copy property prefix [Sai Kousik Swarna] 63180ba land: Fix MBN copy issue [Hua Liu] 55c581f land: Change scripts for copying MBNs [Hua Liu] 32627d5 land: Change qti service name to dataqti [Mohammed Javid] 524c8b1 land: Add "vendor" prefix to service name. [Ankit Jain] 8876ab5 land: Add vendor prefix to below services and properties [Safoorah Banu Shaik] 4337d04 land: Rename sensor service names by prefixing vendor. [Ananda Kishore] 95eaf83 land: Add vendor prefix to data connectivity [Devi Sandeep Endluri V V] 397bfc7 land: Add vendor prefix to data vendor binaries [Subash Abhinov Kasiviswanathan] 083b785 land: Start loc_launcher as gps user [Harikrishnan Hariharan] 36b9f08 land: Set permissions of /dev/byte-cntr device [Saranya Chidura] 90afd1d land: Changing iop directory permission [Abhimanyu Garg] 3ad9099 land: Import qti whitelist and privapp permissions from CAF [Ritesh Saxena] 0a5ca25 land: Update blobs from daisy [Ritesh Saxena] f6c0bfa land: Kang ims.apk and qti-telephony-common.jar from daisy [dianlujitao] * vendor/xenonhd 275d892 extract_utils: fix mismatch with non-lowercase pinned sha1sum [Vladimir Oltean] * vendor/xiaomi 88cff31 land: Update graphic and post processing from daisy [Ritesh Saxena] 2c6755d land: Update blobs from daisy [Ritesh Saxena] ==================== 2019-01-17 ==================== * device/lineage/sepolicy 80e3105 common: Improve label of I/O sched tuning nodes [Nico] * device/qcom/sepolicy da67662 sepolicy: Allow system_server to read vendor camera props [dianlujitao] 8095e05 sepolicy: Allow all apps to read vendor camera props [codeworkx] cc51d46 msm8996: Consider additional ssr nodes [Bruno Martins] 5d696f8 msm8996: Label persist partition [LuK1337] * hardware/interfaces df8d4b8 Configstore: Don't override LOCAL_CFLAGS [Felipe Leon] * kernel/xiaomi/msm8937 a54639f scripts: setlocalversion: Remove '-dirty' append [Ritesh Saxena] 094e1ba Android.bp: Fix qseecom-kernel-headers build [Alberto97] 388ef51 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Add option to not link obb [Daniel Rosenberg] f7474d9 ANDROID: sdcardfs: Add sandbox [Daniel Rosenberg] 4f02218 Merge tag 'v3.18.132' into lineage-16.0 [Ritesh Saxena] 1693472 prima: Update to LA.UM.7.6.r1-04000-89xx.0 [Ritesh Saxena] 1d5834e Merge tag 'LA.UM.7.6.r1-04000-89xx.0' of https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la/kernel/msm-3.18 into lineage-16.0 [Ritesh Saxena] * vendor/xiaomi 64c9442 land: Update ims.apk and qti-telephony-common.jar from daisy [Ritesh Saxena] ==================== 2019-01-16 ==================== * device/qcom/sepolicy-legacy 4b1b27a sepolicy: Allow mm-qcamerad use appdomain fd [Michael Bestas] 49aed9c sepolicy: Label msm8974 devfreq sysfs [Michael Bestas] 498f095 sepolicy: Label msm_pm sysfs as sysfs_msm_perf [Kevin F. Haggerty] 45f2f6d sepolicy: Label msm8974 leds-qpnp sysfs [Michael Bestas] c027144 sepolicy: Label msm8974 lcd-backlight sysfs [Michael Bestas] 2421c3a sepolicy: Label msm8974 sysfs_ssr_toggle [Michael Bestas] a36115e sepolicy: Label sysfs_android_usb [Kevin F. Haggerty] 09afd07 sepolicy: Label sysfs_disk_stat nodes [Kevin F. Haggerty] 04937dd sepolicy: Label more qpnp-charger sysfs as sysfs_battery_supply [Michael Bestas] 0ddd09d Use new vendor_wifi_prop label for bluetooth_loader [jrior001] 48d7cc0 wcnss-service: Add sepolicy to access "vendor.wlan." property [Ajit Vaishya] 6c2791a sepolicy: Add vendor wifi prop in vendor partition access [Mukul Sharma] 88cb1ca Revert "sepolicy: Allow wcnss_service to set wlan.driver properties" [Michael Bestas] 2243917 legacy: Label /sys/devices/mdp.0/caps [Michael Bestas] * frameworks/base 1dd3938 Move high touch sensitivity and hovering to InputService [Danesh M] * system/sepolicy 2eaf9b2 Allow init to chmod/chown /proc/slabinfo [Bruno Martins] cf657b1 Allow init to write to /proc/cpu/alignment [Kevin F. Haggerty] ==================== 2019-01-15 ==================== * device/lineage/sepolicy 8df8725 lineage: Address perf HAL denial with boost enabled [dianlujitao] * lineage-sdk f801f7c ConstraintsHelper: Fix checking for a boolean system property [Michele Bono]