==================== 2018-10-07 ==================== * device/motorola/potter 1e1368e Revert "potter : kang LineageActions from nash" [kubersharma001] 802fff9 potter: cam: Build vendor version for libgui [Prema Chand Alugu] 2480c94 Revert "Revert "potter: fix toolchain path and update some flags"" [icodelifee] 4080628 potter: enable LineageActions [kubersharma001] 761cf79 potter: SD card is accessible without removing the battery [kubersharma001] 4817535 potter: VoLTE [martinusbe] 0703b29 potter: Explicitly set all used audio features [Bruno Martins] * frameworks/native f4d9ecb Add vendor version for libgui [Vinay Verma] * hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8996 16991f9 Revert "audio: Use generated kernel headers" [icodelifee] a21cf48 audio: Use generated kernel headers [razorloves] ==================== 2018-10-06 ==================== * device/motorola/potter 0bbbbe0 potter: fix lineagehw path [kubersharma001] a8b1172 potter: Fix build of our bluetooth header [LuK1337] c4c6f09 potter: use Camera2 for now [kubersharma001] * frameworks/base 822b841 SystemUI: Fix default mShowDpadArrowKeys value [LuK1337] * manifest 439fdca manifest: Track our libtextclassifier [Han Wang] ==================== 2018-10-05 ==================== * frameworks/base a11ba28 SystemUI: Fix clock icon blacklist handling [LuK1337] 3f703dc Tuner: Move clock seconds option to status bar settings [Hendrik Hagendorn] 415817c SystemUI: Add tunables for clock AM/PM style [Michael Bestas] 97445c5 SystemUI: Add tunables for clock position [Luca Stefani] 001bd5e Revert "base: SystemUI: tuner: fix hiding of statusbar clock" [dadi11] * lineage-sdk 969f289 sdk: Update default clock position [LuK1337] ==================== 2018-10-04 ==================== * device/motorola/potter 50f7bfe potter: LineageActions: Set LOCAL_PRIVATE_PLATFORM_APIS [Anton Hansson] * hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8996 2b86538 Revert "sdm: Refactor GPU compositon handling." [Sam Mortimer] ==================== 2018-10-03 ==================== * frameworks/opt/net/wifi 3c16e91 WiFi: Ignore connectivity scans during WFD session [Arif Hussain] * hardware/qcom/power bc8e0f2 power: Remove 1.0 HAL remnants [Michael Bestas] 93023a2 power: sdm660: Support power profiles [dianlujitao] 5eb472d power: Clean up hint IDs [dianlujitao] 8599e3c power: set_power_profile: handle errors [Corinna Vinschen] 282e889 power: perform_hint_action: return an error code [Corinna Vinschen] ==================== 2018-10-02 ==================== * device/motorola/potter 13cd162 Revert "potter: fix toolchain path and update some flags" [Kuber Sharma] f81a98b potter: update VENDOR SECURITY PATCH LEVEL * from Potter Stock 8.1.0 - OPS28.85-17 [kubersharma001] e68d150 potter: Adapt for local LineageHW java overlays [Bruno Martins] 6527021 potter : kang LineageActions from nash [Vachounet] 86639f5 potter: Consider lineage_potter product via the AOSP way [Bruno Martins] bc562f2 potter: fix BT MAC address reading [TheScarastic] 756fbcc potter: skip wait for hwservicemanager [Wei Wang] 822f33e potter: Make sure graphics HAL services started before mounting data [Wei Wang] 84ee439 potter: Start hwservicemanager early [Chia-I Wu] 5bc0577 potter: start bootanim before mounting data partition [Wei Wang] 3140e43 potter: IMS: Whitelist org.codeaurora.ims package [Garik Badalyan] d3e48da potter: Switch to 1.1 power HAL [Michael Bestas] a0cb7b5 potter: Start loc_launcher as gps user [Harikrishnan Hariharan] 50feeed potter: Run ActivityManager and RenderThread as SCHED_FIFO [elektroschmock] 3c23277 potter: enable persist.vendor.qti.inputopts.enable [Miguel Martinez] 1d031e8 potter: gps: Increase batch size to max [Pranav Vashi] 02b07ba potter: Advertise Vulkan 1.1 system feature [Jesse Hall] 07657f6 potter: Cleaning up Impl tag [Hari Veerubhotla] bdcee89 potter: camera: Specify internal video devices to ignore by external provider [Daniel Jarai] 772d080 potter: Rename BT props for new HAL [dianlujitao] af307cb potter: Adding the execute permission for /data/vendor/wifi [Ecco Park] e7cb3c1 potter: Set shipping API level via inherited makefile [Rashed Abdel-Tawab] 632f17d potter: don't build android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl and service [therootlord] 24c6862 potter: Uprev GNSS HAL to 1.1 [Erfan Abdi] 8b1f5aa potter: gps: update to LA.UM.7.6.r1-02000-89xx.0 tag [therootlord] beab94b potter: Changing healthd version to 2.0 [Himanshu Agrawal] bf41feb potter: manifest: Add display hals. [Bharat Pawar] 3b51586 potter: ueventd: Don't modify permissions of /dev/hw_random [Wang Han] 5224f33 potter: Set vendor security patch level [LuK1337] 3c3b59b potter: init.qcom: Change /data/time to /data/vendor/time [Mao Jinlong] 6d469b9 potter: Remove persist.vendor.radio.jbims prop [GtrCraft] 5317289 potter: add some pie goodies [Pierre-Hugues Husson] 2341d7c potter: update brightness overlays [kubersharma001] b0a509d potter: Enable EIS [GtrCraft] ef94610 Add Camera shims [Alberto97] 6d1ff94 potter: update display props [therootlord] ce8587e potter: gps: Fix build for Pie [Prema Chand Alugu] c842018 libqsap_shim: Fix building [Alberto97] 520344f QTI: Create QTI log dir in /data/vendor/ location with permissions [Skylar Chang] 76f097d Create new directory for Bluetooth SoC dump [RAJATH R] 21f6fd1 [TEMP]potter: disable MotoActions [Kuber Sharma] * external/libtextclassifier 7d0a717 libtextclassifier: enable more languages [Joey] * lineage-sdk 3b1ac2a lineage-sdk: we always know our props [dadi11] c559e03 lineage-sdk: create XenonHDDeviceTextView preference [dadi11] * packages/apps/Settings d4532a4 Settings: add device info to fw dialog [dadi11] 65efda3 Settings: improve the logo position [dadi11] * packages/apps/XenonSettings 5cec048 XS: simplify logo [dadi11] ==================== 2018-10-01 ==================== * device/motorola/potter ee4e2d3 potter: switch to CAF ril [kubersharma001] 3f8c34e potter: enable swipe up gesture's opt-in setting [kubersharma001] ef813bc potter: kang walleye brightness configuration [Alberto97] 129c28c potter: MotoActions: make icon color match others for Pie [therootlord] 615e3b1 potter: disable ENFORCE_RRO_TARGETS [kubersharma001] f769080 potter: use AOSP wlan hal for now [kubersharma001] 676df4f potter: define PRODUCT_USE_VNDK_OVERRIDE := false [kubersharma001] b760b2e potter: pie bring up [Bruno Martins] 4758981 potter: configstore: uprev configstore (1.0 -> 1.1) [Hung-ying Tyan] 7708793 potter: Move to NFC 1.1 Implementation [Alberto97] 5914495 potter: Update configs for NFC 1.1 [Alberto97] 8a92350 potter: manifest: Uprev to supplicant 1.1 & vendor HAL 1.2 [Roshan Pius] 546f247 potter: Rename libnfc-brcm.conf -> libnfc-nci.conf [Andre Eisenbach] 174e471 potter: move NFC configs to vendor [therootlord] 322fdd8 potter: Add basic USB HAL that reports no status change [Ethan Chen] c7785bb Renamed config_dozeAfterScreenOff [Lucas Dupin] 7be0ca5 Add 'vendor.' prefix to a vendor HAL service name [Jaekyun Seok] 7753be5 potter: Remove creation of /data/misc/wifi and /data/misc/dhcp [Han Wang] f135fb2 potter: sensors: suppress build errors [GtrCraft] 6eca81e potter: Include necessary headers explicitly [GtrCraft] e6b36b2 potter: fix toolchain path and update some flags [GtrCraft] 0732a97 [DNM]potter: go permissive [kubersharma001] 64859fd potter: use TARGET_2ND_ARCH_VARIANT := armv8-a warning: TARGET_2ND_ARCH_VARIANT, armv7-a-neon, ignored! Use armv8-a instead [kubersharma001] c934ca2 [DNM]potter: dont build Sepolicy for now [kubersharma001] d5d4f62 potter: Set sys.usb.ffs.aio_compat [Jerry Zhang] fe6aaf2 potter: wifi_supplicant: deprecate entropy.bin [Jeff Vander Stoep] 60c7d69 potter: Use mke2fs to create ext4 images [Wei Wang] 58a650b Reserve 128MB for critical system components. [Jeff Sharkey] bad2a35 Move mkdir /data/nfc/... to rootdir init.rc [Tom Cherry] 4fa5856 potter: Fix shared vdex name [Mathieu Chartier] 890757f potter: Add vendor_ prefix for our custom AIDs [LuK1337] 8ffdb8e manifest: Add hostapd HIDL interface [Roshan Pius] 419b382 potter: Don't start supplicant with interfaces [Roshan Pius] 629b67c potter: wpa_supplicant(hidl): Add support for starting HAL lazily [Roshan Pius] 0c7fff9 potter: wpa_supplicant: Move control sockets to /data/vendor [Jeff Vander Stoep] d9a56ae potter: remove android.hardware.usb; no usbpd support [Bindu Gokul] 1e90894 potter: Match default hotspot ssid with device name [Makornthawat Emery] aa24713 potter: Shorten wait time for services exit to optimize shutdown time [zljing] d6e4c54 potter: Shorten wait time to optimize shutdown time [zljing] 5ac002b potter: Simply copy prebuilt .jar files [Bruno Martins] 4a0059b potter: gps: decrease log priority function tracing [Khalid Zubair] 9c52c65 potter: Reorder tetherable connection types [Paul Keith] 41aef4f potter: Add config to check data roaming for UT as per CT requirements [Li Wei] 048a0b9 overlay: Show DocumentsUI internal storage by default [Adrian DC] 2004c7c Audio: Increase incall volume [William Bellavance] 42ba8ce potter: wifi: Enable 2.4GHz channel bonding [Michael W] 1b3bd7f potter: Properly copy vulkan permission xml [dianlujitao] 4b84069 potter: Set swappiness to 60 [Nick] cc1251f potter: Set TARGET_PROVIDES_QTI_TELEPHONY_JAR Change-Id: Idffe1a95d5ddac0ef3d6c74e3d55293b553e51ba [Michael Bestas] * hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8996 4bd1b8d audio: Use normal tinycompress [Rashed Abdel-Tawab] 4d8b6a8 hal: Add open source HAL for Elliptic Ultrasound [Balázs Triszka] 539efec hal: Support the audio amplifier hook [Daniel Hillenbrand] d2709ab msm8996: fix werror when AUDIO_FEATURE_ENABLED_DTS_EAGLE is enabled [Chao Chen] c2f8b3c audio: Extend platform parser to allow device name aliasing [Ethan Chen] 09a7281 hal: post_proc: Convert volume listener to vendor prop [Rashed Abdel-Tawab] 9b5b89e hal: post_proc: enabled / disable volume listener based on prop [vivek mehta] 41485f6 audio: Fix flac offload not working [Keith Mok] 1718493 audio: Fix complilation warnings under Clang [Steve Kondik] b8f4aee audio: Use direct * pathmap [Ethan Chen] * hardware/qcom/bt-caf 388939e Don't build libbt-hidlclient for OSS builds [Michael Bestas] 2abadfd libbt-vendor: Add missing vendor prefix to a bluetooth.status prop [Arne Coucheron] 7d4b4ff libbt-vendor: Fix BLUETOOTH_MAC_ADDR_BOOT_PROPERTY definition [Arne Coucheron] 1589428 Load bluetooth firmwares from /vendor [FireLord1] 60afa83 Apply the Cherokee's mechanism of stopping hci_filter to ROME [John Muir] c252f49 BT: Moving chipset version parameters' initialization out of ALOG [John Muir] b15b04a Remove hardcoded LOCAL_MODULE_PATHS from vendor components. (bt) [Vishwath Mohan] 627045a Add vendor-specific message types for FM. [John Muir] 3ebd999 libbt-qcom: Allow reading BT address from property [Alberto97] 67364ab libbt: Fix case where SoC type is not set [Steve Kondik] 2aa0ada libbt-qcom: Allow building without proprietary bits [Steve Kondik] 74e2122 Use system/bt/hci/include [Arne Coucheron] 0c6a62a bt-caf: Add guard makefile [Steve Kondik] * hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8996 82db1ab hwc: Set ioprio for vsync thread [Steve Kondik] 2c466d5 Don't build lights module if vendor supplies it [Steve Kondik] 729c6de display: Define soong namespace [Rashed Abdel-Tawab] f9724c3 display: Use * pathmap [Ethan Chen] * hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8996 f6ceed2 media: libOmxSw encoders require prop headers :( [Ricardo Cerqueira] b69f555 media: Add extrapolated gpustats header for PQ [Rashed Abdel-Tawab] c24f046 venc: Fix VQZip issue [Steve Kondik] a9803d8 media: Use * pathmap [Ethan Chen] * hardware/qcom/wlan-caf a6d5e22 Add LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES to sanitized kernel headers. [AUDITYA BHATTARAM] d76d138 Make wcnss_service build with the VNDK. [Michael Bestas] 412ad57 Wifi: Quiet some excessive debug output [Ethan Chen] 62bc1c9 wifi-hal: stop the UMAC logspam [Altaf-Mahdi] 09b9f68 wifi-hal: Only try LOWI once [Steve Kondik] b81c83d wcnss_service: Deal with mdm-detect too [Steve Kondik]