==================== 2018-11-03 ==================== ==================== 2018-11-02 ==================== * build/make 79a5304 core: Break EXTRACTED_TARGET_FILES as two values [Albert I] * hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974 dee2005 audio: Use generated kernel headers [Arne Coucheron] * hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8994 685eb19 audio: Use generated kernel headers [Arne Coucheron] 804ef7e Use header lib instead of using global include path [Arne Coucheron] * hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8994 4bab834 display: Use generated kernel headers [Arne Coucheron] e52dd1e Use header lib instead of using global include path [Arne Coucheron] * hardware/qcom/fm 80ebd2f fm: Drop unnecessary dependencies [Bruno Martins] * hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8974 8067951 media: Use generated kernel headers [Arne Coucheron] * hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8994 64f46f7 media: Use generated kernel headers [Arne Coucheron] * system/sepolicy 12558e9 Build sepolicy tools with Android.bp. [Tri Vo] * vendor/qcom/opensource/dataservices 86c525e librmnetctl: Use generated kernel headers [Han Wang] ==================== 2018-11-01 ==================== * frameworks/base 7b031fa SystemUI: Show bluetooth battery level when available [LuK1337] ==================== 2018-10-31 ==================== * build/make 7e7720f core: Disable vendor restrictions [Luca Stefani] * device/qcom/sepolicy 4a25e17 sepolicy: Allow perf HAL to set freq props [Bruno Martins] * manifest 73497ba manifest: Track our own packages/apps/SettingsIntelligence [LuK1337] * packages/apps/Settings d6f7b0f Settings: Improve phone number preference ordering [LuK1337] * packages/apps/SettingsIntelligence f6e41b0 Increase time limit of search task [Qiulu Yang] ==================== 2018-10-30 ==================== * device/qcom/sepolicy-legacy fff950d legacy: Correctly label display.qservice [Ethan Chen] * vendor/codeaurora/telephony aeec539 telephony-ext: Move to Android.bp [Rashed Abdel-Tawab] 0748e5d telephony: Allow devices to provide their own telephony-ext [Dan Pasanen] ==================== 2018-10-29 ==================== * device/qcom/sepolicy-legacy 668f663 sepolicy: Allow android service to write on tombstones [Ajit Vaishya] 64fdeae Change to compile due to hostapd.te removal [Sridhar Parasuram] 0feb07d Revert "sepol: hostapd is now hal_wifi_hostapd" [Michael Bestas] * hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974 787f7d3 Use header lib instead of using global include path [Arne Coucheron] * hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8974 b1f0d11 display: Use generated kernel headers [Arne Coucheron] ac3c564 Use header lib instead of using global include path [Jiyong Park] * system/bt ac0efd0 Fix for Bluetooth device name is resetting to default name after reboot [Aiswarya Cyriac] a7fb51f Add support to force disable enhanced sco commands [cb] 799aa70 Prevent abort in case of command timeout [Luke Zhang] 62b49d1 Bluetooth: Read BLE vendor capability to proceed on Secure conn [Srinu Jella] ==================== 2018-10-28 ==================== * build/make 17bbb2c core: Add support to build ROM signed using release-keys [2/2] [Albert I] * frameworks/base 3ba05f9 FingerprintService: add overlay to prevent cleanup of unused fingerprints [codeworkx] 1a82cd5 Revert "FingerprintService: add property to prevent cleanup of unused fingerprints" [dadi11] * hardware/qcom/fm d63631d FM: adaptive icon [Asher Simonds] 56f8937 FM: Revamp notifications [Konsta] 0d265e0 FM: Convert FM transmitter notifications to use NotificationChannel [Bruno Martins] 42e939e FM: Fix KHz->kHz [Michael W] 8b5d6fe FM: Convert regional band arrays to string references [Michael Bestas] 1268478 FM: Update India bands [Danesh M] 2a18665 FM: Fix headphone icon [Ed Falk] 17ea8f5 FM: Fix settings UI bugs [Ed Falk] 28232b3 FM: Localization of band types [Ed Falk] ee308b8 FM: improved band selection [Ed Falk] 940f9cc FM: Select band based on country [Ed Falk] 1b93ad1 FM: Keep track of scanned frequencies in service [Danesh M] 2c300cb FM: Ensure scan state is kept in sync [Danesh M] eb38cd1 FM: The collect channel disappear when quit FM [lijun.xie] 746c26a FM: Fix status text to reflect when FM is enabled. [Martin Brabham] ec5cc45 FM: fix mRadioTextScroller usage in transmitter activity [Hamster Tian] 25f6514 FM: Launch station list automatically after scan [Danesh M] 6f49eae FM: reenable radio text visibility after station info updated [Edward Wang] b6e6d23 FM: Store tag num/value in sequence [Edward Wang] 5fa87b8 FM: retune last frequency when resume after call [Edward Wang] 7f65a24 FM: materialize [linuxx] ab7c1ce FM: add Indonesia [Raj Yengisetty] d1fbe98 FM: Cleanup resources [Michael Bestas] f0c0124 FM: Add property to force use internal antenna [Brinly Taylor] 4689a95 FM: Switch file extension to aac [Danesh M] 2ba9452 FM: Call unregister in onPause [Danesh M] 2534485 FM: Scanned frequencies are saved in ascending ordering [Raj Yengisetty] be25cd0 FM: Re-add RDS fields to UI [Danesh M] 632a25b FM: Make default country an overlay [Danesh M] 239fb60 FM: Restore seek arrows [Danesh M] 1910c69 FM: Re-vamp UI [Danesh M] 81cf67d FM: Break bootclasspath dependency [Ricardo Cerqueira] b80c489 Allow library to be used by apps directly [Ricardo Cerqueira] 0fb6155 jni: Resolve -Wwritable-strings warnings in helium FW library variables [LuK1337] b22d515 jni: Resolve V4L2_CID_AUDIO_MUTE redefinitions [Adrian DC] 624581f jni: Resolve equality comparisons with extraneous parentheses [Adrian DC] c3b303b libfm_jni: use proper nativehelper headers [Steven Moreland] 263178b jni/libfm_jni: Ignore unused parameters from APIs [Adrian DC] 0c0e63f jni/libfm_jni: Resolve FM_DEVICE_PATH R/O open flag [Adrian DC] * manifest 9c1027c lineage: Enable FM apps [Michael Bestas] * vendor/xenonhd 6ac70de repopick: Try to fast-forward first [Tim Schumacher] 7c79334 xenonhd: Add support to build ROM signed using release-keys [1/2] [Albert I]